God displays His abilities in so many ways, He has the capacity to do whatever He says. God has the capacity to heal all manner of sickness and diseases. God has good plans for his children. His ability is much more than that of man, He is not limited in capacity and resources.

The resources needed to take care of our health are in abundance, He doesn’t need to conduct a test to know what is going on, He knows everything going on in our body systems, He knows how all of our body systems operate. He has put several things in place by His power to make sure we are in good health.

In Matt.4:23, it is seen that Jesus went around the earth healing all manner of sicknesses and diseases. He is not limited to healing just malaria or headache or cancer, He heals all manner of sickness including the ones that are yet to be discovered. The same power, ability and capacity is still at work in our lives as Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God heals us because the plan He has for us is of good and not of evil. there is no good in sickness or disease. The physical body isn’t the only thing that can be sick, the business or career or economy can be sick and Jesus heals all of it.

It takes us realizing who we are in Christ to not accept whatever sickness comes our way. Try as much as possible to not personalize sickness e.g. “my headache”. It’s not from God. Personalize only that which is good and of God.

1. They are not from God. Act 10:38
God doesn’t test His children with sickness, he doesn’t intentionally inflict His children with sickness. Sicknesses and diseases are direct oppression from the devil.

2. The ultimate purpose of the devil is to terminate life. John 10:10
Life becomes difficult when we can’t enjoy life but Jesus wants us to enjoy life. i.e. His plans for us are not to suffer.

3. You don’t have to nurse sickness and diseases but react against them. Matt.12:37
These reactions are by the words of our mouth. Do well to reject evil reports by confessing the word of God.

4. It is possible to live in good health without sickness. 3John 2:2, Ps.104:37

5. Jesus has paid fully for our health. 1cor.6:20.

6. Healing is our covenant right accessible by faith. 1John5:4, Matt. 9:27-29.
The ability of God to heal us lies in the faith we have in God. With faith refuse an evil report and accept the covenant right of God.

7. Without faith Jesus couldn’t do much. Mark 6:5-6, Luke 8:43.
It takes faith to connect to the healing virtue of God. Once faith is in place, the how long doesn’t matter just like the woman with the issue of blood.

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