Honestly… Nothing is Impossible with God!


Honestly… Nothing is Impossible with God!

Honestly, things we desire the most sometimes seem unattainable… but I wanted to let you know that, ‘Nothing is Impossible with God!’

This was the same statement angel Gabriel says to Mary in Luke 1:37, He said, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Guess what! I believe this, hook, line and sinker and it is true.

Wait, have you heard of Nick Vujicic, a man born without arms or legs. Despite his physical limitations, Nick surfs, plays football, and even skydives! He travels the world sharing his testimony and inspiring millions. Nick’s motto? “No arms, no legs, no worries!” Nick’s story is a powerful reminder that with God, nothing is impossible.

Till today, I am still fascinated by Abraham and Sarah’s story. A childless couple in their advanced age (Abraham was 99, and Sarah was 90), still trusting in God for a child as God had promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. At a point, Sarah had given up hope of having children, (Genesis 18:12). But God came through just as He had promised. A year later, Isaac was born. (Genesis 21:1-7).

I can relate with this story well and I learnt a few things from it
1 – That God can intervene and bring life into seemingly impossible situations, even with couples faced with infertility struggles
2 – That God can work beyond our human limitations and timelines despite Abraham and Sarah’s Age barriers
3 – That God is faithful even when we struggle with unbelief. Just imagine, Sarah’s initial laughter and doubt didn’t cancel God’s promise.
4 – That God has power and control over human circumstances

These made me trust God’s promises even more, especially when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. “For with God nothing will be impossible.” – Luke 1:37

Pray this simple prayer
Heavenly Father, I thank you and I believe that truly, nothing is impossible for you. I ask that you intervene over [mention anything you want God to help with]. Thank you Lord. In Jesus precious name. Amen.

That’s it. Talk to you later…
Pastor Femi