God of The Turn-Around


If you have ever been on a freeway with heavy traffic, you know how congested it can get.  The traffic can be overwhelming.  You can get stuck in a lane where you know that you don’t need to be.  In the distance, you see your destination on the other side of where you are, however, all the traffic is blocking your way.  As much as you want to, you can’t just swerve into it.  You can’t just change lanes without looking for an opening.  If you do, it could cause a wreck.  The good news is that you know that there is a “turn-around ahead.”  You know what you must to do to gain access to that turn-around!  You must, cautiously, work your way through the traffic. 

Friends, God is the GOD OF THE TURN-AROUND! You may feel like you are on that busy freeway and the destination that He has for you is un-reachable because of all the traffic.  That “traffic” is all the things that keep you from reaching your divine destination.   That “traffic” is anything that hinders your access to the turn-around that God has for you.   God will never place a desire in you to get you to that destination, and not provide the access to it.  Maybe you missed the first “turn-around” because of all the traffic.  Maybe, it is so congested that you just can’t push through it to get to the place of access.  Guess what?  There is another “TURN-AROUND” ahead.  God will never stop providing a turn-around. 

That “traffic” is not so thick and congested that it can keep you from your turn-around.  But we can’t give up!  We can’t just stay in the same lane, thinking that there is no way we will ever be able to get through it all! How do we make our way through the traffic to access that turn-around?  Put the WORD OF GOD in our mouth! Start speaking to that traffic! 

In Isaiah 45: 2 (MSG) God says, “I’ll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road.”  We can rest assured that as we begin to speak to that traffic, God has already gone before us to clear the path so that we can gain access to the TURN-AROUND.   Start speaking to the traffic in your life.  Start confessing the promises of God over your life!  Start thanking God now for the turn-around that is ahead!  Believe that the GOD OF THE TURN-AROUND is making a way!  He is clearing the road!

Psalm 46:10 (MSG) says “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at Me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”  Are we focusing on the “traffic” in our lives or are we focusing on the GOD OF THE TURN-AROUND? Our lives can become so congested with traffic that we begin to lose focus on the destination.  We allow our lives to get so congested that we look up and find ourselves sitting in a “traffic jam!”  But we are not “stuck” there!  If we change our focus, we will soon recognize, that it may be a slow process for a minute, but movement will begin to happen.  Let’s change our focus!

In Isaiah 43:18-19 (MSG) God says, “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.  Be alert, be present.  I am about to do something brand new.  It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?  There it is! I am making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” 

We all face situations that often seem it will never change and it’s easy to get discouraged and accept that this is how it will always be.

God said I will turn things around for my people. HE IS THE GOD OF THE TURN-AROUND!  All throughout history, God has provided a turn-around for His people.

  • He turned a barren wife, mocked by her rival, to a mother of six (1 Sam 1:6-7, 2:1)
  • He turned seas into highways for His people (Exodus 14: 1-31)
  • He turned toiling into blessing, zero to surplus (Luke 5:1-10)
  • He turned the sickly into the healthy (John 5: 1-9)
  • The Woman from Nain received her son back to life. (Luke 7:11-15)

The enemy may be telling you that this situation is permanent, you will never get out of it, you will never get well, relationship is will never be fulfilling or healthy, or that your family will never be restored. GET READY, FAMILY, YOUR TURN-AROUND IS HERE.

God is turning around sickness to health, addiction to freedom, lack to abundance, struggles to ease…God is doing what only He can do in your life. God is turning it around. You have not lost access to that turn-around!

Receive it by faith! We will never experience this if we say “This is not for me.  My situation cannot be turned around. You don’t know what I am facing.”  Through unbelief and wrong thinking, you have the power to cancel what God is providing in the turn-around!

Let’s get in an agreement with God!  Let’s stop looking through the rear mirror! Let God do the new thing that He has promised. He wants to provide a turn-around wherever you need it. His turn-around will change sorrow to singing and sadness to joy.

In John 16:32-33 (MSG) Jesus says “The Father is with Me.  I have told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, and deeply at peace.  In this godless world, you will continue to experience difficulties.  But take heart! I’ve conquered the world!”

God may not stop every difficulty. He may not remove every obstacle or challenge.  But we have His promise of deliverance. 

Looking over my life and family, I can see the God of turn-around at work.  Growing up in Africa, we always suffered lack!  Lack of food, school fees, there never seemed to be enough. My mother often said “God, you are all we have. If You can just connect us to someone in America who can help us or send us money to us…We will pray and trust God.”  In the process of time, God turned things around. God decided to send me to America in answer to my mother’s prayer.

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) says “But those who wait for the Lord, who EXPECT, LOOK FOR, and HOPE in Him, will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings and rise up close to God, like eagles rising toward the sun; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.” 


These are your Faith Injections

  1. Pray and Ask God in FAITH. Don’t dwell and meditate on the problem! Go to God with a prayer of faith. The Scripture says the moment you prayed is the moment things begin to turn (Mark 11:23). The God of turn-around goes to work; angels are dispatched, and the grace and favor of God are released.


  1. Fight the good fight of FAITH: Why? The physical manifestation may not always be immediate. It may take a little time, depending on your faith, for the answer to manifest physically. Don’t give up!  Don’t agree with the thought that says, the turn-around isn’t going to happen, or that this thing is permanent!  Don’t give voice to that, believe God for the turn-around!  Remember that you can’t fight thoughts with thoughts!  If you are going to give voice to anything, give voice to the promises of God for the turn-around to manifest!  Believe and trust that God has already provided the turn-around from the moment you confessed it!


  1. Thank God for the Turn-Around. In all things, as you trust and await the manifestation, bless the name of the Lord. This is one of the highest expressions of your faith. Before long, you will be able to speak as David did in Psalm 30:11-12


“O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: Thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: Thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may I sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.’


We are agreeing with you for your turn-around. BE BLESSED!




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